Taboola Dynamic Parameters

Last Updated on March 9, 2024 by Ashar Jamil

Dynamic keyword insertion enables the creation of personalized headlines, significantly enhancing the likelihood of sparking interest in your ads. Consider this transformation:

Rather than a generic: “Home Owners Can Now Get Paid to Install Solar Panels”

Opt for a localized approach: “Home Owners in Texas Can Now Get Paid to Install Solar Panels”

Incorporating specific regional details into your headline can make it more relevant and engaging to your audience, encouraging them to explore further.

Here’s a rundown of the dynamic keyword insertion macros available for tailoring your headlines:

${country:capitalized}$ – Displays the user’s country, with the initial letter in uppercase.

${region:capitalized}$ – Shows the user’s region, with the initial letter in uppercase.

${dma:capitalized}$ – Presents the DMA (Designated Market Area) of the user, with the initial letter in uppercase.

${city:capitalized}$ – Reveals the user’s city, with the initial letter in uppercase.

${platform:capitalized}$ – Indicates the user’s device type, with the initial letter in uppercase.

${dayofweek:capitalized}$ – Gives the current day of the week, with the initial letter in uppercase.

For headlines that stand out even more, convert these macros to ALL CAPS by switching capitalized to uppercase. For instance, ${region:uppercase}$.

Note: When typing macro values, ensure they are in lowercase to prevent issues with your ad going live on networks such as Taboola.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]